kn Secrets

Security Guidelines

You have to be offline, that is to say, not connected to the Internet whenever you work with kn Secrets in earnest. Please read the following guidelines carefully.
Be extra careful when using kn Secrets while being connected to the Internet, that is to say, in online mode. Using kn Secrets in online mode is ok only when not really using it in earnest — for example, when you have directed your browser to the website just to obtain a first impression of kn Secrets. Then you must use non-secrets to learn how kn secrets works. You could use something like "Trying out Secure Secret Sharing" as free-text input, for instance. Otherwise, be aware that using kn Secrets in earnest requires putting secrets on screen by filling in input fields on your browser page. Also, your browser page will have to display Secure Shares for you to be able to note them down. User interaction of this kind always increases the risk that hackers with access to your computer might steal the secret or, equivalently, Secure Shares that you have generated. For this reason, please follow the guidelines that are stated below whenever you use kn Secrets to transform any real secret into Secure Shares, or the other way round. We cannot absolutely guarantee that they will prevent hackers from obtaining secrets or Secure Shares — nothing ever will, unfortunately — but they should go some way towards reducing the hacker risk.