kn Secrets lets you create Secure Shares of a secret. The secret can later be
recovered from a subset of the set of Secure Shares. You can choose both the
number of Secure Shares required for recovering the secret, your k, and the
overall number of Secure Shares, your n.
kn Secrets shows how Secure Secret Sharing can be used to store seed
phrases of cryptocurrency wallets or any other secret that can be represented
in number or free text form.
Everything is to happen exclusively in your browser.
There is no browser code at kn Secrets that
is to transmit any secrets or Secure Shares back to servers.
By using this site, you agree to the warranty disclaimer
that can be read on the legal page.
Before proceeding, please make sure to have paid
careful attention to the security guidelines.
You may also have a look at the frequently asked questions.
Version 1.0.5-r1, which has an improved FAQ section responding to user inquiries.
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